Final exams in secondary schools


Exams at the end of the final year in secondary schools that proves the student has acquired the needed knowledge during the course of secondary education. The exams differ according to the secondary school program.


  • Gymnasium:
    • students have to take final exam (érettségi vizsga) from minimum 5 subjects: Hungarian literature and grammar, history, mathematics, one foreign language and one subject selected by the student. However, universities may demand to take additional subjects’ exams (e.g. Medicine faculty’ students need to have at least two exams from the following subjects: biology, chemistry, physics). Students who were enrolled at vocational education schools take exams from the professional subject instead of a selected one.
    • Each subject’s exam can be taken at intermediate or advanced level. If a student takes advanced final exam he or she will receive more points in the application process to higher education. Some university programmes demand one or two subject’s exams at advanced level.
  • Vocational school: at the end of vocational school students have to take vocational examination.


Students who have successfully finished the final year of secondary school.


When you apply for the exam you have to present your ID or passport and address card (lakcímkártya) and if you are not a Hungarian citizen you have to present your residence permit too.

  • Final exam: Apply for the final exams in the school where you study. If you plan to apply to university you have to check the requirements and apply for exam from those subjects. In the last 2 years before the mature exam you can attend additional classes if you want to take advanced exam, however it is not obligatory. Even if you attend these classes you are not obliged to take any exams at advanced level.
  • Vocational exam: Usually students take the final exams in their school, but you have the right to apply for the final examination in other vocational school which organizes examination.


  • Mature exam (érettségi vizsga): There are two exam periods in one year: May-June and September-October. Traditionally the students take the exam in May-June but if someone fails or can’t take the exam he/she has the opportunity to take the exam in the autumn period. Application deadline for the May-June exams is usually the middle of February and for the Autumn exams the beginning of September.
  • Vocational exam: There are exams in October, February, May and June. The time of the exam mainly depends on the subject. There is no detailed information about the application deadlines so it is advisable to ask about them in the school.


You have to apply for final exams at your school. During the final year teachers give information about the process.