Vocational training possibilities for adults


Vocational trainings for adults with completed basic education with the aim of obtaining professional qualifications.


This programme is for people with primary education or with other type of qualification (e.g. mature exam, higher education), who wish to get professional skills and qualifications. According to a law (2011. évi CLXXXVII. törvény a szakképzésről) passed recently the acquisition of the first two vocations is free of charge.


On this link you can find the relevant supported vocational education programs (in Hungarian): https://www.nive.hu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=297. You can inquire in the accredited institutions which provide these trainings. You can find these institutions here (in Hungarian): https://www.nive.hu/Downloads/Szakkepzesi_centrumok/DL.php?f=SZC_elerhetosegi_adatok.xlsx.


Since these programmes takes place during evenings or weekends, you can also work beside studying.

Good to know

You can find more information about adult training and adult education on these pages:


Budapest, Hungary

Nemzeti Szakképzési és Felnőttképzési Hivatal – NIVE (National Vocational and Adult Training Office)

Kálvária tér 7

1089 Budapest