Early retirement (Korai nyugdíjazás)


Under certain conditions you can retire before the mandatory age limit for old-age pension which is 65 years of age in Hungary for both genders.


You are entitled to earlier pension benefits if:

  • you are a woman, who worked for more than 40 years,
  • you are disabled and you receive disability pension,
  • your occupation enables you to have early pension, i.e (e.g. policemen, firefighters, etc.).


Good to know

For information in English about the Hungarian administration system (government offices, government windows, allowances, etc.) you can call the governmental helpline, what you can find under “Everyday life – Governmental helpline” on this link: http://hu.danubecompass.org/archives/situations/governmental-helpline. If you are calling from Hungary call this number: 1818, if you are calling from abroad call this number: +36 (1) 550-1858.


County level offices that deal with pension issues

On this link you can search for the county level government offices that deal with pension issues (in Hungarian). If you type the name of the town after “település” or the zip code after “irányítószám” on the top of the page you can search for the nearest offices).


Budapest, Hungary

Országos Nyugdíjbiztosítási Főigazgatóság (Central administration of National Pension Insurance)

Fiumei út 19./a.

1081 Budapest


When dealing with different cases in the Hungarian administration system it might be necessary to ask someone who speaks Hungarian to help you with translation.