Types of verification



It’s a legalization of a document, to verify its authenticity. It’s a sheet stamped by the competent authority that it’s added to the original documents.

The apostille is used by the countries that signed the Convention of Hague (in English): www.internationalapostille.com/hague-apostille-member-countries/. If your country didn’t sign it, please read about diplomatic superverification.

In Hungary to get the apostille you need to pay a 5500 HUF (~ 18 € in 2017). Here you can read more about Apostille and about how apply for it in Hungary (in Hungarian): http://konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/tajekoztato-a-kulfoldi-felhasznalasra-szant-okiratok-felulhitelesitesenek-rendjerol.


The competent authority for apostille is different in each country. You can ask your embassy about the department of the government in charge of it.

In Hungary the relevant authority is:

Diplomatic superverification


In those countries which aren’t part of the Apostille Convention (Convention of Hague) the consul has to verify the documents. This means a clause on the document which proves that the stamp and the signature is valid.
If you would like to superverify a document in Hungary you have to verify it in the country where it was made (the responsible body is usually the ministry for foreign affairs) and then go to the embassy or consulate of the country in Hungary.
If you have a document in Hungarian which you would like to superverify and use abroad you have to apply for verification in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Here you can find the application form for verification: (in English and Hungarian): http://konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/download/9/d8/b0000/Felulhitelesitesi_kerelem140904.pdf
You can find more information on superverification in Hungary on this link: (in Hungarian): http://konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/diplomaciai-felulhitelesites
You can find information about verification of documents what you would like to use abroad on this page (in Hungarian): http://konzuliszolgalat.kormany.hu/tajekoztato-a-kulfoldi-felhasznalasra-szant-okiratok-felulhitelesitesenek-rendjerol.



  • Külgazdasági és Külügyminisztérium, Konzuli Szolgáltat (Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Consular service):
    Nagy Imre tér 4.
    1027 BUDAPEST
    Tel.: +36 1 458-1000
    E-mail: konz@mfa.gov.hutaj.konz@mfa.gov.hu